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Austria is a country with no sea exit, have a population of 8,47 milion citizen, located in Center Europe. Territory of Austria is about 83.879 km2 and has a temperat and alpine climate. The official language is geman. Due this Alps, Austria have a variety of attractions.


Spain ( The Kingdom of Spain) is a country situated in the south-west of Europe. Spain is considered as "country sunlight" given the very large number of days with sun over the year.

Austria, Lake Zeller

Zeller Lake is a glacial lake with clear waters, with a length of 3.8 km and width of 1.5 km. Statins are lakeside resort of Zell am See. The lake is located in the Pinzgau region of Salzburg, Austria.

Spain, Madrid - Royal Palace

Royal Palace(de Real) located in historic center of Madrid, close to the Plaza España, extends over an area of 135,000 m2 and has more than two thousand rooms sumptuous.

Austria, Waterfall Gastein Wasserfall

Waterfall (Wasserfall Gastein) is located right in the resort has over 300 meters in length with 3 levels and a drop of over 100 m.

Spain, Barcelona - Sagrada Family

It is located in the capital of Catalonia, Barcelona (nor-east Spain). The original design of the Sagrada Family Church was made by the architect Antonio Gaudi, who worked on him for over 40 years, his last 15 years of its life is dedicated exclusively.

Louvre Museum

Let's talk a little about the most visited tourist attraction in France and one of the largest and most visited museums in the world. Just talking about the great Louvre Museum! 
The museum is housed in the Louvre Palace which was originally designed as a fortress in the twelfth century under the reign of Philip II. The ruins of this fortress can still be seen today. The building continued to be extended many times over the centuries until it reached its current form Louvre Palace. In 1674 the residence of the kings of France was moved to the Palace of Versailles and thus Louvre Palace remained the main place where the royal collections of art were exhibited. During the French Revolution it was decided that the Louvre museum and host to become the most precious masterpieces of French people. 

When opened, on 10 August 1793, the museum presented a collection of 537 paintings, the majority are works confiscated from the Church and the French monarchy. During Napoleon's museum has greatly increased collection and changed the name of the Napoleon Museum. After Napoleon's defeat many of the works he seized were returned to their rightful owners. But museum collection continued to increase; During the Second Empire won over 20,000 pieces. The number of works of art owned by the Louvre continued to grow steadily in gifts and donations except the two world wars. 

Since 2008 Louvre Museum collection is divided into eight different categories: Ancient Egypt; Near Eastern Antiquities; Greek, Etruscan and Roman Empire; Islamic Art; Sculpture; Decorative Arts; painting; Prints and Drawings. 

Today the museum houses over 380,000 objects and 35,000 works of art. Over 60,000 square feet of permanent exhibits are dedicated. Of the 15,000 daily visitors 65% are foreigners. 

The collection includes over 6,000 paintings dating from parts XIII until 1848 can be found in the Louvre and Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, Mona Lisa among other works of art of inestimable value. 

Tuileries Gardens are located near the Louvre Palace. Tuileries Palace was burned and was not rebuilt, but its gardens were refurbished. When the weather is nice is really spectacular and worth visiting. 

Subway : Palais-Royal-Musée station du Louvre 
The following bus lines stop in front of the pyramid of the Louvre: 21, 24, 27, 39, 48, 68, 69, 72, 81, 95, and Paris Open Tour bus. 
An underground parking is made ​​available to those arriving by car. Its entrance is at Général Lemonnier. The car park is open daily from 7 am to 11 pm 

The museum is open daily from 9 am to 6 pm except Tuesday and the following days: 
1 January, 1 May, 11 November, 25 of December. Museum closes early at 5 pm on 24 and 31 December. Wednesdays and Fridays the museum is open until 10 pm 
Entrance to the Louvre is free the first Sunday of each month. 

€ 9 - ticket valid all day except for the permanent exhibition hall exhibition Napoleon. This ticket is valid and Eugène Delacroix museum. 
€ 6 - This ticket is valid from 6 pm until 9:45 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays. 

€ 13 - combined ticket that provides access to both the permanent collection and exhibitions Personnel. 
€ 11 - combined ticket that provides access to both the permanent collection and exhibitions Personnel from 6 pm until 9:45 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays. 

People under 18 can enter for free (requires an ID). The other categories receive free entry such as disabled and their attendants, teachers and art students. 
Fridays after 6 pm youth under 26 years have free entry.