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Austria is a country with no sea exit, have a population of 8,47 milion citizen, located in Center Europe. Territory of Austria is about 83.879 km2 and has a temperat and alpine climate. The official language is geman. Due this Alps, Austria have a variety of attractions.


Spain ( The Kingdom of Spain) is a country situated in the south-west of Europe. Spain is considered as "country sunlight" given the very large number of days with sun over the year.

Austria, Lake Zeller

Zeller Lake is a glacial lake with clear waters, with a length of 3.8 km and width of 1.5 km. Statins are lakeside resort of Zell am See. The lake is located in the Pinzgau region of Salzburg, Austria.

Spain, Madrid - Royal Palace

Royal Palace(de Real) located in historic center of Madrid, close to the Plaza España, extends over an area of 135,000 m2 and has more than two thousand rooms sumptuous.

Austria, Waterfall Gastein Wasserfall

Waterfall (Wasserfall Gastein) is located right in the resort has over 300 meters in length with 3 levels and a drop of over 100 m.

Spain, Barcelona - Sagrada Family

It is located in the capital of Catalonia, Barcelona (nor-east Spain). The original design of the Sagrada Family Church was made by the architect Antonio Gaudi, who worked on him for over 40 years, his last 15 years of its life is dedicated exclusively.


Greece or the Hellenic Republic is a country in southeastern Europe member of the North Atlantic Treaty, the European Union and the euro area.

Greece is located in the Balkan Peninsula, south of Bulgaria, the Republic of Macedonia and Albania, to the west of Turkey. It has a coastline of 13,676 km from the Aegean Sea, Ionian and Mediterranean.

Considered by many as the cradle of Western civilization, Greece has a long and rich history, during which has widespread influence on three continents.

 Aegean shores saw the development of the first European civilization, namely the Minoan and miceenilor. Once they began to fall, there was a dark era until 810 BC, when there was a new Hellenic civilization. It was Greek city-states established colonies in the Mediterranean, the Persian invasions resist and whose culture is based on the Greek civilization after the fall of the empire of Alexander the Great (king of Macedonia).
 This culture had a major influence on the Roman Empire and the Romans, who were able to pass though the Greek army in 168 BC fallen were themselves conquered by civilization. When he was a province of the Roman Empire, Greek culture dominated the eastern Mediterranean, and the empire was divided into two, the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantine, centered in Constantinople, received a Greek nature. From the fourth century to the fifteenth century, the Byzantine Empire survived attacks from the west and east until May 29, 1453, of Constantinople fell to the Ottomans.

Store Ottoman rule until 1821 when the Greeks declared their independence. After the Greek War of Independence in 1828, Greece choose the path of monarchy înfiinţându the Kingdom of Greece (1833). In the nineteenth century and early twentieth century, Greece is trying to acquire the Greek-speaking population of the Ottoman Empire, gradually increasing in territory and population, until 1947, when its size reaches today.

After the Second World War, Greece went through a civil war that lasted until 1949 and then joined NATO in 1952 On 21 April 1967 the army took power after a coup, forming so -numitul Colonels' regime. In 1973 the regime abolished the Greek monarchy. Cyprus problem led to the collapse of the military dictatorship in 1974 and the establishment of a democratic republic in 1975 after a plebiscite (or referendum). Greece joined the EU in 1981 and adopted the euro in 2001 (see Greek euro coins).