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Austria is a country with no sea exit, have a population of 8,47 milion citizen, located in Center Europe. Territory of Austria is about 83.879 km2 and has a temperat and alpine climate. The official language is geman. Due this Alps, Austria have a variety of attractions.


Spain ( The Kingdom of Spain) is a country situated in the south-west of Europe. Spain is considered as "country sunlight" given the very large number of days with sun over the year.

Austria, Lake Zeller

Zeller Lake is a glacial lake with clear waters, with a length of 3.8 km and width of 1.5 km. Statins are lakeside resort of Zell am See. The lake is located in the Pinzgau region of Salzburg, Austria.

Spain, Madrid - Royal Palace

Royal Palace(de Real) located in historic center of Madrid, close to the Plaza España, extends over an area of 135,000 m2 and has more than two thousand rooms sumptuous.

Austria, Waterfall Gastein Wasserfall

Waterfall (Wasserfall Gastein) is located right in the resort has over 300 meters in length with 3 levels and a drop of over 100 m.

Spain, Barcelona - Sagrada Family

It is located in the capital of Catalonia, Barcelona (nor-east Spain). The original design of the Sagrada Family Church was made by the architect Antonio Gaudi, who worked on him for over 40 years, his last 15 years of its life is dedicated exclusively.


 Champs Elysees - Presentation and images 

Many important events occur on this boulevard well-known, such as the military parade celebrating the National Day of France on 14 July, the night of New Year's events and end the most prestigious bicycle races, the Tour de France. Hundreds of stores of world famous companies, cinemas, theaters and restaurants animates the day and night. Champs-Élysées is a very good reason to choose a hotel in the area for those who visit Paris.

Avenue des Champs-Élysées was appointed in 1709 In Greek mythology these plains were where heroes went after death. Artery has a length of two kilometers and a width of 80 meters. Champs-Élysées continue beyond the Arc de Triomphe with the Grande Armée avenue. Together provides insight than seven kilometers from the Concorde Square to the La Défense business district west of Paris.

Animation on the Champs-Élysées known peak in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when it was full of luxury shops and hotels. During that period he gained international renown and.

After a period of decline Champs-Élysées was renovated in late 1980 and then regained a place where everyone wants to go. Champs-Élysées is one of the most famous streets in the world and because of this commercial space rentals here reach over $ 1.5 million for 100 square meters.

To prevent destruction of charm specifically, Paris City Hall has banned Swedish company H & M to open a store on the avenue.

French President's Residence Palace Elysées is situated right on the boulevard, but a little further north.